Make your TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation today donation in any amount, every penny counts.
Emergency Barn Fundraiser!!!
Read their story: click the links below
Toledo Blade:
Toledo 13 News:
Local horse rescue in need of a new farm to call home - 13abc
We are in the midst of some challenging times on an unprecedented scale. This means Voice For Horses Rescue has had to make significant changes to our upcoming fundraising calendar, general operations and more. this is so overwhelming.
We had to relocate the rescue and its horses on November 1, 2021 to a new facility however this is a barn that is not donated for its use and our rent alone is $1500 per month with this being said we are in need of help from the community and followers. We have 2 options: 1. We need to raise 250,000 to be able able to either buy a farm or buy land and put our own barn up. we know this is a big reach but we know that we can reach our goal with your help. 2. if someone has an empty barn and large pasture that is available and safe that can house 15 horses, and would consider waiving the rental fee and receive a TAX DONATION at the end of the year this lease would have to be for at least 5 yrs or until we can obtain our own permanent place Please make your most generous gift today we understand that times are hard and people are out of work and we pray for everyone everyday DONATIONS can be made via PayPal to [email protected] (send as friends& family so fees are not taken out) or via you can also send via cash app to $voiceforhorses or send a check or money order via snail mail to: Voice for horses rescue PO Box 566 Toledo Ohio 43697 |
Buy an e-gift card from tractor supply to support Voice For Horses Rescue, Please make your donation today to help Voice For Horses Rescue to HELP KEEP OUR DOORS OPEN during these challenging times DONATIONS can be made via PayPal to [email protected] or
May God keep you safe always please share and God bless click the link below to purchase a gift card, it tax deductible too!! our email is [email protected] |
Support Voice For Horses Rescue Network on Ebay, choose us as your favorite charity

Voice For Horses Rescue Network (VFHRN) is an Ohio 501 (c) 3 Non-profit Humane Corporation organized in November of 1999 for the purpose of providing food, water, shelter and veterinary care to horses that are: sick, injured, abandoned, abused, neglected, slaughter bound or when an owner can no longer care or keep them. We also network with other equine rescues across the 50 states, local humane societies, law enforcement, therapeutic riding centers and horse clubs with the placement of horses. We receive no government, city or united way money. We are an all volunteer organization that is funded solely by the caring and generous public. VFHRN assists with cruelty investigations in cooperation with local humane societies and law enforcement officials. Our goal is to help as many equine as possible, by alleviating equine abuse and neglect through awareness.
VFHRN understands the need to avoid becoming overextended as well as the need to be able to properly maintain and care for all equine already in our care. We will help any horse in need if our funding and barn space will allow. Adopted equine who need to be returned due to circumstances with the family will ALWAYS take precedence over others due to our mandatory return policy.
VFHRN understands the need to avoid becoming overextended as well as the need to be able to properly maintain and care for all equine already in our care. We will help any horse in need if our funding and barn space will allow. Adopted equine who need to be returned due to circumstances with the family will ALWAYS take precedence over others due to our mandatory return policy.
A note about adoption visits- No "Drop-In's", please!
We love to meet our donors and friends! However, we work with law enforcement and have to be mindful of security, and mindful of liability issues as well. For those reasons, we must insist that you make an appointment to come to the property to visit for any reason.
We love to meet our donors and friends! However, we work with law enforcement and have to be mindful of security, and mindful of liability issues as well. For those reasons, we must insist that you make an appointment to come to the property to visit for any reason.
Voice For Horses Rescue Needs volunteers who are dependable, have their own transportation and want to help feed horses in morning 9:30 am -12 pm or 3:30 pm-5 pm to, check blankets and help roll out round bales , pick run-in shed., PM me if you have Any days or hours you want to help farm is in Bowling Green Ohio
FREE T-shirt to volunteers who volunteer 40 hours a month. DON'T let the cold or heat SCARE YOU AWAY, the horses still need your love and compassion |
Click here and see how you can help a rescue horse in need

Purchase an Ohio's Horses license plate and help equines in need!
When you choose to purchase the Equine (Ohio’s Horses) license plate, you will be helping with the growing challenge of unwanted horses in Ohio.
The Ohio Coalition for Animals will make a significant impact by funding educational, charitable, and other programs that provide care for unwanted, abused, or neglected horses.
A portion of the fees collected, $20.00, will benefit horses in need around the state; including horses coming off the race tracks and those that are abandoned, abused or neglected. Funds will also be used for owner education and scholarships. To apply for grants visit
By purchasing the Ohio's Horses license plate, your support will help us make a difference in Ohio.
The Ohio Coalition for Animals
2280 W. Henderson Rd. Suite 207
Columbus, Ohio 43220
When you choose to purchase the Equine (Ohio’s Horses) license plate, you will be helping with the growing challenge of unwanted horses in Ohio.
The Ohio Coalition for Animals will make a significant impact by funding educational, charitable, and other programs that provide care for unwanted, abused, or neglected horses.
A portion of the fees collected, $20.00, will benefit horses in need around the state; including horses coming off the race tracks and those that are abandoned, abused or neglected. Funds will also be used for owner education and scholarships. To apply for grants visit
By purchasing the Ohio's Horses license plate, your support will help us make a difference in Ohio.
The Ohio Coalition for Animals
2280 W. Henderson Rd. Suite 207
Columbus, Ohio 43220
By choosing to purchase the Equine (Ohio’s Horses) license plate, customers will be helping with the growing challenge of unwanted horses in Ohio. A portion of the fees collected, $20.00, will benefit horses in need around the state; including horses coming off the race tracks and those that are abandoned, abused or neglected. Funds will also be used for owner education and scholarships. To apply for grants visit Registrant Eligibility May be issued to any Ohio motorist. |
Voice For Horses Rescue Network
PO Box 566 Toledo, Ohio 43697-0566
(419) 350-4195 / [email protected]
© 1999 Voice For Horses Rescue Network
Site Updated 01/07/2022
PO Box 566 Toledo, Ohio 43697-0566
(419) 350-4195 / [email protected]
© 1999 Voice For Horses Rescue Network
Site Updated 01/07/2022